Friday, October 18, 2013

Spiritual Authority (5) Seeing

Prior to the fall, Adam and Eve could see into the spiritual world. They were able to walk with God in the cool of the evenings and speak directly to him. They were able to see the devil, when he came to tempt them. His activity in the spiritual dimensions, made him appear snakelike from a physical perspective.

This situation did not last longs. When Adam and Eve sinned, their sight was changed so that they could no longer see into the spiritual realms.
The Bible says their eyes were opened, and they realized they were naked (Gen 3:7). This statement is a huge irony. Their eyes were actually closed to the spiritual realms. When they could see the brilliant glory of the heavenly realms, their observation of the physical world was dimmed, and they did not notice they were naked. Once the light of heavenly glory was turned off, their view of the physical world was greatly intensified, so they realised for the first time that they were naked.

After his death and resurrection, Jesus gained a spiritual body, which enabled him to interact more freely with the spiritual world. After death, those who believe in Jesus will be given new spiritual bodies. This will enable us to interact with the spiritual dimensions in the same way that Adam and Eve did before the fall. We will be able to see the glory of the total universe that God created. We will be blown away by the glory of the spiritual realms and the wonder of the physical world will be diminished.

1 comment:

August said...

God's movement- creation, incarnation, redemption, resurrection- this is all indicative of God seeking to create and fully infuse Himself into this realm. The resurrected body would certainly be more spiritual in one sense, but it would also be more physical, in the sense that it would be Him perfecting His creation. To God, the realms are all one. To us, the true directions are not the physical world versus the spiritual, but to God or away from God, and away from God is destruction and non-existence.
It is a 'one storey universe', so to speak.