Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Community-based Banking (10) Christian Banks

When the time is right, many churches will need to start a recording-keeping services as an alternative to failing banks. A banking system is just a network of information systems that record debts and obligations between people. These debts and obligations change as people buy and sell goods and services. The church is a network of relationships, so it would be well-placed to establish a transaction-recording network. A banking system is a network of networks. A network of churches established by true apostolic leadership could fulfil the same role.

When the Kingdom of God advances, human society will naturally form into in Tens, Hundreds and Thousands. A network of honest banks could develop within these communities. All that is needed is a few record-keepers who are trusted by the other people in their community. A trusted trader within a Hundred could start keeping records on behalf of the people that belong to their community. Alternatively, a Ten might take responsibility for maintaining records on behalf of the Hundred in which they participate.

A Ten would probably not need to keep money records, because its relationships will be governed by love. Most transactions will be gifts with nothing expected in return. This works fine in a small community, but it is not practical for a larger social group.

The trader who kept records for their Hundred could establish links with other Hundreds, as traders with a reputation for honesty replicate this role within their own community. Apostles will help them establish links with other record-keepers. Provided trust exists between the leaders of these communities, trade between Hundreds and Thousands should flow easily.

The various record-keepers will maintain good relationships with the record-keepers in other Thousands. They will be able to transfer debits and credits to other record-keepers, because they are not shifting money, but simply transferring the record of a debts and credits.

This full series is at Community Banks.

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