Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Clash of Civilisations (7) - Real Struggle

In the main clash of civilisations, between religious civilisation and secular-humanist civilisation, the Islamic cultures are our allies. In this struggle, we actually share a common enemy. The secular materialist culture that is sweeping the world is as much a threat to Christianity as it is to Islam. At the moment, Islam seems to be more serious about this battle than we are, but they are using the wrong weapons. Christians have the best weapons for fighting this struggle, but we are not using them.

If we wake up and get serious about this struggle, we will not learn much from the Islamic nations, but we should at least avoid their mistakes. However, the most important thing is to wake up. The clash of civilisations is a clash between a world that acknowledges a God and one that does not. If we are to win this struggle, we must understand that the real enemy is currently within. Our real and toughest enemy is not Islam. The real enemy is the secular materialist civilisation that controls our culture and society and most of the world.


Gene said...

This is right on the spot.

I had not thought of it this way.

We need to get serious about changing our culture.

Ron McK said...

Americans will find this task difficult, because secular humanism and Christianity are so entwined in you culture. It is hard for most people to distinguish one from the other.

Is is much easier here, where our culture is more overtly secular, and we only maintain a shallow Christian facade.