Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Starting a Church for Dummies (3)

  • People will often say dumb things, but that does not matter. Correcting dumb statements is usually unnecessary. Most Christians forget good things quite quickly, so they will forget dumb things even quicker. Getting participation is more important than getting everything right.
  • The main thing a leader will have to say is “Hello”; to a person who has just joined the group. No one should be left isolated. Everyone should be looking for people standing alone and speak to them.
  • When a new person joins the group, invite them for a meal. While chewing your food, you have to be dumb, giving them a chance to talk about themselves. This will give them confidence to participate in a meeting of the church.
  • When someone believes that God is telling them to do something, the others should encourage them to have a go. Stand with them for moral support, even if it feels a bit dumb.
  • Smile! Remain quiet (dumb) and people will think you are wise.

The full series is here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all your insight. One of your assets as a writer and thinker is the ability to clarify the language we use. Please continue to write... in just a minute I am about to send a link to a close friend in order that he may read your thoughts on politics, war, and economics.

With some many influenced by Rob Bell and the emerging churches in the USA it is good to hear someone articulate from the Bible sound doctrine concerning helping the poor, global markets, etc. Rather than condemn coorporate executives as evil you give clearing and simple reasoning. Much more of that is needed.