Sunday, January 22, 2006

Judges and Witnesses

Here are some important biblical principles that will limit the use of the death penalty.

  • The judges and witnesses must jointly implement the death penalty. This would really sharpen their minds and make them cautious about giving evidence and deciding on guilt. They would not be tempted to convict an innocent man, as this would make them guilty of murder. They might not be convicted of this crime during this life, but they would still be accountable to God in the next.
  • The death penalty can only be implemented if the prosecution witnesses and judges were unanimous about the sentence. The technology should require each one to press the button to implement the penalty. This would prevent them from pretending to go along with the others.
  • Other leaders of the community where the crime occurred should also be involved, so that the penalty is the action of the entire community.
  • Judges might convict a criminal, but still refuse to implement the death penalty. They would be free to choose mercy.
  • The family and friends of a victim cannot enforce the death penalty without the agreement of their community.
  • A community can decide not to enforce the death penalty. In a harsh environment, the death penalty would be more common. In a more developed society, it should be rare.

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